ZK Rust Reference
Covering the types and functions available in ZkRust.
Type | Comment |
bool |
i8 |
i16 |
i32 |
u8 |
u16 |
u32 |
usize |
Range |
pbc_zk::Sbi1 |
Secret-shared boolean. |
pbc_zk::Sbi8 |
Secret-shared 8-bit signed integer. |
pbc_zk::Sbi16 |
Secret-shared 16-bit signed integer. |
pbc_zk::Sbi32 |
Secret-shared 32-bit signed integer. |
pbc_zk::Sbi64 |
Secret-shared 64-bit signed integer. |
pbc_zk::Sbi128 |
Secret-shared 128-bit signed integer. |
Note that traits are not fully implemented, and these are mostly for illustrative purposes.
Trait | Documentation |
Public |
Public types are "normal" Rust types like i32 , where the data is publicly known, for example because it is directly visible in the contract state. |
pbc_zk::Secret |
Secret types are types like Sbi32 where the data is secret-shared between ZK nodes. |
pbc_zk::SecretBinary |
Sub-interface of pbc_zk::Secret where variables are secret-shared as bits. |
Does not cover deprecated functions.
Function | Documentation |
pbc_zk::num_secret_variables() -> i32 |
Determines the number of secret variables available to the computation. Variable ids are not contiguous and cannot by iterated over using 1..num_secret_variables() |
pbc_zk::load_sbi<S: SecretBinary>(id: i32) -> S |
Loads the secret-shared data associated with variable id as the given type S . |
pbc_zk::load_metadata<P: Public>(id: i32) -> P |
Loads the public metadata associated with variable id as the given type P . |
pbc_zk::secret_variable_ids() -> Iterator<i32> |
Creates an iterator for secret variable ids. |
Lifetime attribute macros
These macros define what the zero knowledge server cluster should do when given the input.
Macro | Documentation |
zk_on_secret_input |
Declares an endpoint that the contract can be interacted with to add secret variables. |
zk_on_variable_inputted |
Declares an automatic hook for when a variable is confirmed inputted. |
zk_on_variable_rejected |
Declares an automatic hook for when a variable is rejected. |
zk_on_compute_complete |
Declares an automatic hook for when the zero-knowledge computation is finished. |
zk_on_variables_opened |
Declares an automatic hook for when secret variables is ready to be read.. |
zk_on_attestation_complete |
Declares an automatic hook for when the contract have asked nodes to attest a piece of data,. |