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ZK Rust Language Features

This table tracks feature availability, including feature comparison with the main Rust project, and some ZkRust specific features mixed in. This is not a roadmap.

Legend: ✅ Supported, ✨ Supported and distinct from Rust, ❌ Unsupported

Feature Status Likelihood of implementation
Public Integers and booleans
SbiN (Secret Binary Integers)
Structs with public
Structs with secret
Tuple Types
Type generics
continue, break
Type aliases
Generalized for-in-iterator
Assigning to struct fields
fn Function declaration
General derive traits Likely
enum Likely
const Constant items Possibly
Closure expressions Possibly
Constant generics Possibly
Constant evaluation Possibly
Full iterator interface Possibly
Function references and types Possibly
Pattern matching and Destructuring Possibly
String Type Possibly
Compound assignment expressions Possibly
Question mark operator Possibly
match Possibly
union Possibly
f32, f64 Floats Unlikely
Associated items Unlikely
extern crate Unlikely
Full borrow checking Unlikely
General macro support Unlikely
Generic Associated Types Unlikely
Modules Unlikely
Trait and impl Unlikely
dyn Trait objects Unlikely
panic! Unlikely
Lifetimes Unlikely, due to limited utility
References and Pointers Unlikely, due to limited utility
loop Unlikely, due to gas concerns.
while Unlikely, due to gas concerns.
Bitshift with two secrets Unlikely, due to performance concerns.
Array indexing with secret-shared index Unlikely, due to performance concerns.
Async Incompatible with current architecture.
Inline Assembly Incompatible with current architecture.
Operating System Access Incompatible with current architecture.
print! and other IO Incompatible with current architecture.
Threading Incompatible with current architecture.
unsafe Incompatible with current architecture.