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Install the smart contract compiler


To develop and compile contracts for the Partisia Blockchain, you need to install Rust. To install Rust for you platform follow the instructions on

Instruct rust to use the latest stable version by running:

rustup install stable
rustup default stable

The target needs to be added manually, you add the target by running:

rustup target add wasm32-unknown-unknown

To compile contracts you will also need to install Git.

If you need to develop zero-knowledge contracts then you will also need to install Java 17 to run the zk-compiler.

If Working from a Windows machine you must get Visual Studio with C++ build tools - In Visual Studio Installer choose Desktop development with C++.

  • We recommend you make sure these optionals are marked:
    • MSVC x64/x86 build tools
    • Windows 11 SDK
    • C++ CMake tools for Windows
    • Testing tools core features
    • Build Tools
    • C++ AddressSanitizer

2) Installing the cargo partisia-contract/pbc command

The partisia-contract tool is a small application that helps you compile a contract. To compile it and install it using cargo run:

cargo install cargo-partisia-contract

The cargo partisia-contract and cargo pbc are interchangeable commands, the cargo pbc is just an alias. To verify the tool you can locally execute: cargo partisia-contract --version and cargo pbc --version. This command prints the version of the tool. If you want to learn more about the partisia contract tool you can visit our tooling page.

3) Download Example Contracts

We supply a small archive with example contracts which can be compiled using the tooling from above. The example contracts are available here.